Here's an assortment of photos I came across today-enjoy! :D
VA 117-49.1 "Portrait of elderly resident, Israel" c1930 Courtesy of: The Rooms Provincial Archives |
This old boy (Israel) was out hunting one autumn with several others and they bedded down for the night among some scrubby trees growing along a stream. During the night they were disturbed by some queer noises and Israel donned his big rabbit-skin cap and went out to investigate. A big snowy owl out foraging for food saw the rabbit skin moving among the bushes, thought it was still on the original owner and letting out a blood-curdling skriek, swooped down and clutched the cap. Israel let out a similar shriek, rushed back to camp and dived under the blankets and not till they showed him the owl's feathers near his old cap the next morning could they convince him that it was not the devil himself who had attacked him.
Check out this super cute baby bun!! I could devote this entire blog to archival animals.
VA 1-15 "baby rabbit held in man's hand" 1938 Courtesy of: The Rooms Provincial Archives |
I post this next picture not for the content but because that dog quite possibly has the best name I have ever heard ever: "Megalosaurus", which is a genus of large meat-eating theropod dinosaurs of the Middle Jurassic period. For some reason the fact that the dog's owner's name is "Dr. Little" somehow makes it all the more silly.
VA 105-25.1 "Dr. Little and Megalosaurus" 1912 Courtesy of: The Rooms Provincial Archives |
And to round out these awesome animal photos- a man wears a dead rabbit like a tie!
"How do I look Jim? I wanna look good for Fanny at the box social at the lodge tonight."
"I dunno Alfred... better put on a couple more...for good luck" A 8-25 "Two hunters with rabbits" date unknown Courtesy of: The Rooms Provincial Archives |